The Sod vs Seed Dilemma: Which Option Is Best for You?

The Sod vs Seed Dilemma: Which Option Is Best for You?

You want a lush, vibrant, and healthy lawn. But here is our most important question, do you want to lay sod, or do you want to grow seeds? So today, we decided to address the “sod vs seed” dilemma, and advise you on which is the best option for you.

What Makes Sod Awesome? A Clear Head Start for Homeowners!

You either inherited a mistreated lawn when buying your home, or you’re starting from the button with a bare soil after new construction. Or could be that you once had a beautiful and lush lawn, but you neglected it to the point that it got many diseases and weeds. And sadly, now the only option is to start over.

Behind all these reasons, there is one common sentiment; you want a green and healthy lawn without going through a lot or waiting for it to grow.

So, that’s why we would love to begin with the benefits of sod installation. Grab a soda and enjoy reading!

Top 6 Benefits of Sod Lawns

  • Instant Green Lawn
  • Less Lawn Care Needed
  • Prevents Soil Erosion
  • Helps to Moderate Temperature
  • Grows in Difficult Sites
  • Locally Sourced

Instant Green Lawn

Laying Sod in New Garden

We have a saying that goes: “instant green lawns are laid not grown.” With our hectic, busy lifestyles, we have leaned more toward instant gratification. Here, we refer more to the positive side of it. We talk about the desire to experience fulfillment without delay or deferment. Basically, to achieve things in a shorter period.

So, in the case of sod, that’s what happens. One of the leading reasons why people choose sod over seed is because it provides them with an instant lawn and instant gratification.

Laying sod is the fastest and sure way to have a green, thick, and beautiful lawn.

Sod farmers do all the heavy lifting for you.

Grass farmers spend around a year nurturing the seeds, and when the rolls of sod arrive at your yard, they are healthy and green grass with a reliable root system.

Sod can be installed in a matter of hours, which is excellent news. Also, you can install turf during any season, as long as the ground isn’t frozen.

By choosing sod grass, you get the instant satisfaction of a green and patchless turf.

If you need to see fast results or you don’t have the patience or the time to wait for your grass to grow from seeds, sod lawn installation is your best choice.

Less Lawn Care Needed

We know that you barely have time to stop in the garden and smell the flowers. In your hectic routine, probably, you won’t have the time to take care of the seeds and watch the grass grow slowly.

If what you need is convenience, you need to install sod because it requires way fewer care compared to the intense nourishment and care that a newly seeded lawn needs.

Because sod is fully grown grass, it doesn’t need a vast amount of watering and nurturing.

You only need to give little care like watering it daily during the first two weeks.

After three weeks, the turfgrass roots will establish in the ground, and the grass will continue to grow greener and thicker. Now, sod could hold up to foot traffic and could be mown. Crazy as it sounds (😊).

This is possible, thanks to grass farmers. They make sure to care for the grass so that when arrives at your yard, you get grass that’s thick, weed-free, and fertilized.

After a month, you can start using your lawn for regular outdoor activities.

Prevents Soil Erosion

When comparing sod vs seed, another great pro of sodding is that it’s excellent at preventing soil erosion. Unlike seeding, turf lawn can’t be washed away at any moment, thus granting you immediate control and fewer yellow spots. Additionally, sod counts on cheaper soil preparation compared to seeding.

Helps to Moderate Temperature

Additionally, when counting on turfgrass, you help freshen up your place. By moderating temperature, you won’t need to worry about any warm seasons full of sun affecting your yard. Having turf can reduce the exterior temperature between 15 up to 30 degrees!

Moreover, sodding grass reduces airborne allergens since it’s already mature grass. Lastly, you can forget about any weeds growing being a problem.

Grows in Difficult Sites 

Turfgrass Growing at Slope

Because of its excellent water retention features, you can place turf at any place you like, no matter if it’s at a flat or a sloped area. Not only that, but turf also counts on much better nutrient and water retention features as well.

You can set sod whenever and wherever you want to. There’s no need to stress placing grass during growing seasons such as early fall or late fall since turf can thrive at any time. However, if you want the best results, then we suggest laying it according to the grass type’s peak growth period. Be sure to know if the turf is among the cool-season grasses as well.

Locally Sourced

Lastly, when you opt for sodding, you support your local community and sod farmers. Not only that but buying local also helps show community pride as well. Moreover, purchasing locally-sourced turfgrass helps better the local economy.

What About Seeding? Why Should Homeowners Plant Seeds ?

Benefits of Seeding Grass

Now that you know the main advantages of sodding, it’s time for you to know the benefits behind grass seed. After all, to make an informed decision between sod vs seed, you must evaluate both options thoroughly.

So, why should homeowners opt for seeding? Here are 4 main reasons for it:

  • Seeding has a low initial cost.
  • You’ve got a wider selection in types of grass.
  • Seeding grows stronger and deeper roots that are set in place.
  • Easier installation, thus lower labor costs.

Let’s take a better look at each of these advantages:

Seeding Has a Low Initial Cost

One pro seeding has over turf grass is that it’s much more low cost. In fact, seeding can cost 10 to 20 times less compared to sodding. Of course, this price depends on a wide variety of factors, including lawn size, grass type, and more. However, if you’re looking for an affordable option that won’t hurt your wallet, then seeding is your best choice.

You’ve Got a Wider Selection in Types of Grass

Moreover, homeowners must contemplate selection when comparing sod vs seed. Seeding gives homeowners more options when regarding the types of grass for their lawns. Because of this wider selection, you can choose the grass type that best suits your place.

Choosing the right type of grass for your lawn can end up in a much better performance as well as less maintenance in the long run. Remember that you need to take into consideration a number of things to choose correctly. Some of these things include light conditions, weather conditions, and soil type.

Seeding Grows Stronger and Deeper Roots that Are Set in Place

Although sod grants you instant results, seeding often provides you a deeper and healthier root system over time. Eventually, these deeper roots can give you a thicker lawn that stays put, unlike turfgrass. Additionally, these root systems can resist more problems such as droughts and lack of nourishment.

Easier Installation, Thus Lower Labor Costs 

Easy, Low-Cost Seeding Lawn

Lastly, seeding grass often involves a simpler, less labor-intensive installation process. Believe it or not, sod rolls can be quite heavy. These rolls often are about 30 to 40 pounds each. Not only that, but workers also need to fit and align the sod perfectly.

That’s why sodding isn’t your average DIY project. You need to do soil testing and buy equipment that can cost you up to $2K!

On the other hand, seeding requires almost no skill. All you need to do is use a spreader to scatter around the seeds.

So, Which Is the Best Option Between Sod vs Seed?

To sum things up between sod vs seed, here are the factors to keep in mind. Sodding is the best option if you’re looking for a mature, weed-free, and green lawn without any waiting. However, if you want an affordable lawn with deeper roots, you should go for seeding.

Now that you know the main pros and cons of each option, it’s time for you to make a decision.