Common Lawn Problems You Need to Be Aware Of

Common Lawn Problems You Need to Be Aware Of

If your yard or garden looks sick, it could be a sign of lawn problems. It’s essential to consider the weather, season changes, and other conditions because the reason for this issue could vary from garden to garden. 

Perhaps you feel sad because your yard is not in good condition, but don’t worry because you will discover the most typical issues in your garden and how to get rid of them with this guide. Keep reading to find out the different solutions.

Common Lawn Problems You Need to Take Care Of

diseased lawns

Are you thinking about fixing your garden or yard? Here are six of the most common lawn problems you need to be aware of:

  1. Soil Erosion 
  2. Yellow Patches
  3. Weeds
  4. Bare Spots (also known as brown patches)
  5. Grubs (larvae)
  6. Suspicious Holes

Soil Erosion

Soil erosion is one of the most unattractive law problems, but how does it look? And, why do you have this issue in your garden? It is a natural process in which the topsoil is lost, and you will not lose all the topsoil in one moment because the loss is gradual. 

Moreover, snow, rain, soil pH level, or anything external can cause this lawn problem. For example, strong winds and water could remove the topsoil, and the snow with rains could damage gradually.  Among other factors that provoke soil erosion are over-fertilization, overgrazing, and climate change. 

The best way to fix this problem is by covering it with landscaping mulch or adding a planting cover. Also, some garden owners opt for rocks, so they decorate with beautiful stones where the topsoil is. Additionally, you can build something over the area like a deck. 

Yellow Patches

If you notice yellow patches on the lawn, the land lacks nutrients or low water supply. Most of the time, yellow patches appear due to insufficient nitrogen in the yard. This vital mineral must be present in your fertilizer to fix the issue. Also, dog urine is another distinguishing factor because the urine elements usually exceed the nitrogen level and burn the lawn.

Furthermore, summer sunlight is another factor because the heat increase is affecting the soil. So, if you don’t water your lawn, it probably suffers from dryness. It’s essential not to cut plants and grass in this season. Besides, insufficient fertilization could be another factor that is damaging your yard. 

The best solution to get rid of this lawn disease is to apply lawn fertilizers. According to experts, you should feed your lawn with fertilizers twice a year to balance the grass nitrogen. Also, you can try to use fungicides to remove fungal diseases in some cases.)

Get Rid of Weeds

This is the most common lawn problem because weeds grow in all the spaces you can imagine. They have a fast germination process, and they can grow without seeds. Sometimes, they have flowers and different colors. They take advantage of the temperatures, lawn moisture levels, and soil minerals. 

Weed is the unwanted greenery that grows among other plants. Weeds can promote growth with limited nutrients, while sensitive grass seeds have more nutrients to grow.  A lot of weeds in your garden means a low level of nutrients available in the land. The lawn care routine involves the removing of unwanted weeds from your lawn regularly.

Homeowners tried to remove manually or apply household products like apple vinegar or dish soap to kill them. Another option is to boil water and use it with baking soda. You must cut it from the roots because they could return. 

Bare Spots:

Lawn Bare Spots

Bare spots look like brown patches because they don’t have grass above the soil. Some of them are soil compaction, pests or insects like chinch bugs, burnout due to chemicals, lawn diseases, or drought.

You can get rid of bare spots on your lawn to cover the space with grass seeds. First, with a grass blade, make the soil soft and then spread the seeds. You can also add compost to the area to enrich the site and keep it moisturized. And make sure to avoid heavy foot traffic by placing some stepping stones.

Moreover, don’t expose your grass to dirt or trash because bare spots take advantage of this situation. Sometimes, walking and jumping too much around the grass provokes compacted soil. 

Get Rid of Those Annoying Grubs

If your lawn is turning brown, it may be facing unwanted grubs. White grubs are the most common in the dark green grass, and you shall get rid of them immediately. They have a C form, and most of the time, they are wrinkly, which gives them a terrible look. 

The larvae especially destroy the grass roots and provoke thin grass. Also, some brown spots might have an insect infestation in your lawn, and the solid will become vulnerable to different diseases. If you have healthy green grass, it would be difficult for grubs to damage it. 

Suspicious Holes

Firstly, if you see any suspicion, then you have to look for the culprit. For example, raccoons are one of the causes of such problems. These creatures look for pests or larvae; therefore, they make holes in the gardens to look for them. Getting rid of this type of intruder is not easy.

Our recommendation for this problem is to install a fence around your garden to ensure you don’t have intruders. Also, some fairy rings exist that attack the soil and kill the grass, provoking holes and fungi.

A powerful option is to eliminate pests in your garden or aerate your lawn. In other words, you should pay more attention to your garden.

We know it doesn’t sound easy, but you need to get rid of these lawn problems. If you ignore the little details, you will lose your beautiful garden or yard. Don’t be shy to ask for professional help because It’s important to have advice.  If you want help, then contact us; we are here to guide you and help you.